
We are now SmartWay® Transport Partners! 

Written by Mackenzie Roof,

In 2024 we grew our sustainability commitment through partnership in the SmartWay program. 

 SmartWay is an EPA program that helps companies improve upon supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking, and improving freight transportation efficiency. Because of this, it’s a great addition to our sustainability program.  

 During our GreenCircle certification, as listed in the Certified Environmental Facts, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been calculated. To further this work, we have joined as SmartWay Transport Partners to tackle the challenge of calculating transportation emissions. 

 SmartWay is especially important because of some basic facts: researchers project that by 2050 global freight transport emissions will surpass those from passenger vehicles, and in 2022 over 8.4 million people were employed in trucking industry jobs. Since inception, participating U.S. companies have saved $52.3 billion on fuel costs. The program has also helped its partners save 379 million barrels of oil. This is equivalent to eliminating annual electricity use in over 25 million homes! 

 Launched in 2004, SmartWay helps companies identify and select more efficient freight carriers, service providers, transport modes, equipment, and operational strategies to advance supply chain sustainability and lower costs. It reduces freight transportation emissions by fostering the adoption of fuel-saving technology. Through partnership and industry participation it is supported by major transportation associations, environmental groups, state and local governments, international agencies, and corporations. 

 Nearly 4,000 companies and organizations participate in SmartWay. The participating companies represent varying industries from trucking, to rail, barge, and air freight- and their customers. They rely upon SmartWay for information on clean and efficient strategies to cut costs and emissions, a system to track and share environmental performance data, a way to identify greener carriers and modes, and sustainability planning and reporting metrics. 

 SmartWay also helps to protect the health of Americans. Since 2004, SmartWay has helped partners avoid emitting 162 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide, 2.8 million short tons of Nitric Oxide, and 114,000 short tons of Particulate Matter- which helps protect air quality and reduces environmental pollution.  

 We look forward to utilizing and sharing the full potential of SmartWay!  

 For more information, please visit 

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