
Len-Tex’s Electrostatic Sprayer Testing

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, new disinfecting protocols and technologies are constantly being introduced as we attempt to adapt to the ‘new normal’. An emerging technology that has been adopted by many different organizations, including United Airlines1 and Marriot International2 is electrostatic spraying.

According to Public Health Ontario, electrostatic spraying turns liquid disinfectant into a very fine aerosol mist. The electrostatic characteristic is derived from the application of “…a charge to each droplet so that they are attracted to surfaces through electrostatic forces which are greater than gravity”3. This technology allows for a large area to be covered in a short amount of time, reduces waste of the desired disinfectant, and minimizes dry time. This makes it ideal for spaces such as airplanes, hotel guest rooms, healthcare facilities, and educational settings that need repeated disinfecting on a frequent basis.

Developing our own protocol and testing our products using this technology was crucial in maintaining relevant results for our customers. Our electrostatic spraying protocol can be found here: Electrostatic Sprayer Protocol

The first disinfectant we have tested via electrostatic spraying is the Nixall® Disinfectant/Sanitizer, which has a hypochlorous acid active ingredient4 and can be used in both commercial and residential settings. Following the protocol referenced above, a total of 50 applications of the disinfectant were administered over a period of a few days. Once the applications were completed, and the development period passed, we found that our product experienced no changes.

As we learn about more institutional disinfectants that may be applicable to our testing, we will continue to explore them and test our products to provide meaningful results and information. The next method we are going to explore is aerosols – in particular, two aerosol products that have been approved by the EPA to stand effective against COVID-19. In a statement released on July 6th, 2020 the EPA approved Lysol Disinfectant Spray (EPA Reg No. 777-99) and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist (EPA Reg No. 777-127) for use “based on laboratory testing that shows the products are effective against SARS-CoV-2”5.

Continuing to test our products is crucial for understanding how they will perform in reference to an increase in disinfecting frequency and chemicals. If there are any that you would like us to try, please let us know via email.

Watch a video of the electrostatic sprayer in action here.


  1. Ebbs, S. and Kaji, M. (2020, August 24) American to Spray some planes with EPA-approved ‘long-lasting’ COVID-19 disinfectant. ABC News.
  2. Woodyard, C. (2020, April 21) Marriot plans to spray disinfectant in guest rooms, sanitize keys to stop COVID-19. USA Today.
  3. Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). COVID-19: frequently asked questions: electrostatic sprayer disinfection systems. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2020.
  4. (n.d.) Nixall® Disinfectant/Sanitizer. Retrieved September 1, 2020.
  5. S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2020, July 6). EPA approves first surface disinfectant products tested on the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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