
Health is a Top Driver of Green Building*

The WELL Building Standard (2014) evaluates buildings using seven criteria: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind.

A recent article in contract interiors publications related to interior design(s) suggesting or replicating natural images (leaves, trees, water) as causal for health and wellness of building inhabitants.

This could be realistic if the interior materials using these images contain little or no harmful or toxic chemistries.

We agree color and design play an important role in creating pleasant and creative interior spaces (it’s our business after all). However, we believe most critical for health and wellness in building interiors is the selection of the lowest health impact interior products and finishes.

Or, phrasing it differently, pretty designs produced with or on high VOC/toxic/harmful emitting materials cannot be a winning strategy for healthy buildings. Not much health and wellness there!!!

Source this important information from CHPS, Mindful Materials, Sustainable Minds, etc. or refer to the product manufacturer’s HPDs and EPDs to make the right sustainable selection.

*Building Green 10/2018

Don Lennon

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